Cubs are 8-10 years old.
A Cub Scout Pack can have up to 36 Cub Scouts and is split into smaller groups called Sixes. Cubs take part in a wide range of activities designed to be interesting and challenging. A Cub Scout meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
Camps and holidays are some of the most memorable events of the year for Cubs.
In Watford North, we have a number of competitions and events that we do, including – but not limited to – the Watford North Challenge (formerly the Cracknell Shield), the Athletes badge, and District Cub Camp!
During their time at Cubs they have an opportunity to complete and achieve a selection of badges. There are different types of badges they can be awarded;
During their unit sessions Cubs will work towards their Challenge Awards as well as a variety of Activity and Staged Badges. There are a selection of badges that Cubs can complete outside of their unit sessions. Talk to your Cub Leaders about this.
The highest badge a Cub Scout can achieve is the Chief Scout’s Silver Award. To be awarded this badge a Cub Scout will need to complete all seven Challenge Awards as well as any six Activity Badges or Staged Activity Badges.